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/gif/ guide to creating animated gifs

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Current limits for WebM files on 4chan are:
Maximum file size is 6144KB.
Maximum duration is 300 seconds.
Maximum resolution is 2048x2048 pixels.

Click here to see a detailed guide on how to create webm files.

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File: SkibidiToilet71.webm (5.76 MB, 852x480)
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5.76 MB WEBM
The Skibidi War is going UNDERCOVER
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Previous Thread: >>5416087
173 replies and 29 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: TSM BACKSHOTS.gif (5.99 MB, 764x430)
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5.99 MB GIF
Boom killed it as always. Noticed at about 0:47, Gman fired a projectile with a green glow. Green has always represented the secret agent. Maybe the toilets collaberating with the agent is what the astros consider treason? The scientist is seen speaking to the agent in 70p3 and the agent even outlines the astros a threat during his chat with plunger.
Also, TSM been done dirty recently
>once again loses a blaster
>doesn't even have his own knife anymore, had to use some shrapnel
>sound ability useless against big opponents
>backshots from Gman
hope he sees some love soon, like a big feat or something
>they already knew about the purple energy hack
See? Cameramen can share intel instantly.
>titan tvman took a green energy ball straight to into his core
>only agent stuff have green energy
That can't be good. It only stun him for a second, but that can't be all.
Nice catch, Although at first I thought it was just another flavor of disabling shot, but seeing that secret agent is actively watching the fight it might be possible that the agent secretly powered up his orbs without anybody knowing, even gman.
Does anyone else feel the overwhelming urge to strangle and violently kill the people who make these zoomer memes? I'm not talking about webms like OP was posting where it's some weird transformation of the original concept, I mean the people who made the "Skibidi Toilet" shit in the first place, or any of the other trash lingo for that matter. Nothing makes my blood boil more than seeing the most unfunny brainrotted material known to man become mainstream while hyped up ADHD zoomlets who spend all day hunched over with scoliosis watch it on their grimy little iPad screen. I feel physically assaulted by how uninspired and humorless it is, it feels like a psyop designed to make me hate it with a passion. I don't know if they are completely oblivious to how obnoxious it is, or they know how infuriating it is and willingly choose to weaponize it to induce as much seethe as possible. I have never had so much deep seeded hatred for a group of people in my life, and that's speaking volumes in a world filled with tranny child groomers, jews, politicians, etc. I could be watching the most gruesome cat or monkey torture gore videos on /gif/, or the most nuclear cringe levels of furry autism and it still doesn't even hold a candle to the utter cancer these zoomers propagate into the minds of others. It's like watching mold slowly rot away a once beautiful house, I want these autistic fucks to be publicly brought to justice, there should be fucking laws against this shit. Why aren't we allowed to bring them in front of a court of law? Nothing would bring me more joy than to see the creators of the words "Skibidi" and "Rizz" thrown in Jail on the account of public nuisance, or some term created specifically for them like "Second Degree Meming" I don't know fucking know. These insufferable fucks should be made to suffer in an amount commensurate with how many people they have pissed off, even just letting us throw rotten fruit and vegetables at them would be good enough for me.
At 0:57 Gman shoots a second energy ball with green when atacking Titan Sperkearman. but he's offscreen, so we don't know if it hit or did something.

the og chud
215 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.

Thanks anon. Luckily im dementia-less and lucky enough to be able to reminisce on these times a lot
According to Francis of the Filth, hell be back in the next cycle guys, and maybe he will better or maybe he'll be worse.
Negi Generation 1 saved the prophecies for us. Papa Franku is just in hiding waiting for the chromosomes to multiple so he can return.
he got yoko'd
Hi Joji

103 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.
You are Jewish.
You should try to ignore trolls in the future.
You are projecting your insecurities caused by the lack of national ethnic identity. Trying to cling to something that doesn’t belong to you. Like a drowning man grabbing these closest to you, attempting to take Europeans down with you. Instead of trying to save your people and nation on your own terms.

“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”

“The Almighty has never helped a lazy man. He does not help the coward. He does not help a people that cannot help itself.”
The American identity has been stolen and destroyed. Now anyone can be an American. It used to describe an ethnic European born in America. Now it means nothing. An Indian that arrived 5 years ago? American. Some random jogger? Born here 100% American. No identity, no ideology, no aim, no party and no leaders. The real Americans are up shit creek without a paddle. Same can be said about Canadians and Australians. And no white is not a valid way to identify yourself. Ethnic Europeans can have pink nipples do we call each other pinks? Are any of us actually paper white? Should we be called the peach coloured people? Are blonds their own race? The blond race?

A people are tied to their soil. A nation is composed of its people. A people with no identity have no belonging. Their connection to the soil is severed.
Kiwi here, they paid her hundreds of thousands of tax dollars for this work.

File: tsundere_kot.webm (1.12 MB, 324x576)
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1.12 MB WEBM
ITT post cute anime adjacent stuff. (E.g. non-anime things that are given a silly anime twist).
180 replies and 55 images omitted. Click here to view.
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1.13 MB WEBM
thanks, exactly what I wanted desu. I'll post one here, just in case
incredibly based
So if her hair and tail are both that color blue, does it mean jer tail is made of ass hair?
You weren't beaten enough as a child
did anyone there understand this, or is this wrestler just that autistic and based that he can just do that in a stadium full of unwashed normies?

Funhaus is dead. Long live Funhaus.
What was the first video that got you into funhaus? Mine was Bruce singing weezer.
This is similar to how cowchop ended.
The first breaking up of a youtube channel that hit me was two best friends. Gamegrumps was the alternative that I used as replacement until they got their own channels.
I'm sorry, but this is what perfection looks like, and he's also dead.
This board really is a ghost town. I remember when someone on funhaus read one of the threads posted here.

File: 1694215570647725.webm (3 MB, 480x360)
3 MB
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5.09 MB WEBM
What song is this
Around the World (La La La La La)
File: Goodbye Flash.webm (5.9 MB, 854x480)
5.9 MB
2000-2005 internet was the best. No memes. No cell phones. Every anime was on youtube. Growing up blows but hey we can still make cool stuff.

Post Video game related stuff
It's gonna be May edition, rember happy days
Old Thread
27 replies and 20 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Tekken Skill ceiling.webm (2.91 MB, 576x570)
2.91 MB
2.91 MB WEBM
Testing something, I keep getting 'embedded file' bullshit and i have no idea what to do to get around it.
This probably won't upload.
File: 1000008015.webm (5.56 MB, 386x324)
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5.56 MB WEBM
why yes, I too am unimpressed with this streamer
If you give attention to people you dont like, it will just make them want to do it more.

Delinquent edition
247 replies and 48 images omitted. Click here to view.

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3.22 MB WEBM
can't post three coz i don't have more
64 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.
i cant wait in 20 years when all these troons are dead because they did nothing with their lives HAHA get motivated all you want retards nothing will save you. You are not in the running.
You aren't any better. You cant even see past the problem you wrote down dumb fuck
England blows. All english should be put to death. Your gay monarchy has ruined the history of the world and... oh wait it's still going nvm. Ruining.
Oh how i wish the ottoman empire boded the english and changed the world forever. God why couldnt that have happened? Maybe i would be living in france right now. Any country is better than america. Being oppressed by others is a human characteristic but certain types of humans believe they deserve better treatment. so here we are. gl being motivated to run your rat wheel faster you dumb fucks
Tate will never admit what it actually takes to achieve things in live and neither will i because fuck you why do you deserve my grace? It is very odd to see such a fit person smoking cigars though as if he's being a boss or something. What an internet personality.

last thread hit bump limit. here's some oc created with udio:

"at the end of decline"

>a state of decay, has the west gone astray?
>it's over, okay? what else is there to say!
>there's no better sign, see the stars in the sky!
>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!

>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!
>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!

>billions must go, in the end we all know,
>to make room for our precious new seeds to grow!
>when there comes a time, through the rain and the shine,

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
283 replies and 128 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Chasing-Hell.webm (4.25 MB, 634x678)
4.25 MB
4.25 MB WEBM
More self penned OC. I tried an succeeded to get Brian Molko's from Placebo vocals. But he wasn't singing in the correct cadence for my lyrics, no matter how many times I genned. I found a suitable replacement and went from there. My tip from this experience is to try the vocalist name if the band itself is 'flagged'.
File: echoes.webm (5.31 MB, 640x360)
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5.31 MB WEBM
I like this one more. Nice work and nice tip. Shame about the vox, but what you've ended up with still works well. Placebo is one of my fav bands, particularly Sleeping With Ghosts and Meds.

This is one of the coolest things about this tech. I've been sitting on songs for ages that I can now bring to life without needing other band members or session musicians. I wrote the lyrics for webm related 16 years ago.
File: Chew-The-Fat.webm (3.71 MB, 636x562)
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3.71 MB WEBM
Yeah, I'm not giving it the "good stuff". I already had envisioned a certain tune/ already written for those songs. I'm more experimenting with unfinished poetry that I usually spitball with a friend who also writes stuff.
File: Nanachi Without Me.webm (4.81 MB, 640x360)
4.81 MB
4.81 MB WEBM

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2.25 MB
2.25 MB WEBM
Post'em all, pro Israel or pro Gaza
19 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
See this is something I will never get. If your conviction is so strong that you go to something like this, then why do you refuse to talk about it? Isn't it the whole point? Instead they do this aggressive shit because they think it's cool, but they're doing a massive disservice to "the cause". It's the same with those people who throw paint on old paintings at the museum for the climate or some shit.
All these types of people only do this shit because they've never had their asses kicked or been told "no" before. Some of them really need an old fashioned ass whooping and some real problems. Although many of them will have a real problem for once in their lives when they get suspended from their insanely expensive school.
Welcome to the echo chamber
> If your conviction is so strong that you go to something like this, then why do you refuse to talk about it? Isn't it the whole point?

That blonde bimbo is a Zionist propagandist that went in to get gotcha footage. They did answer her by pointing her to their elected media liaisons. They only speak openly or more candidly with know reporters that they know will cover them honestly but if you're some dumb blonde bimbo that peddles hasbara misinfo, or a fucking nobody, they're gonna send you to someone prepared for propaganda peddlers.

The protestors themselves say they're not going to speak to media directly because they want to avoid misspeaking or falling for interview trucks and giving Zionist the sound bites they're after.

She didn't want to talk to the media liaison because she knew they weren't going to fall for her bullshit. So she sliced their interactions and spun their organized communication plan as some sort of meanie cult that wouldn't give her the time of day.
the nazis didnt lose to the Jews though, the jews couldnt do shit to the ones that were actually slaughtering them, they just went and took it out on even poorer arabs that had nothing to do with it.
Imagine believing journalists and the media are not the fucking enemy in 2024. Have poltards learned NOTHING from the past 8 years? Did you not see how msm treated the truckers? Coverage full of half truths and misleading info. Media is quite literally state propaganda and misinformation. They hate the idea of free press more than anyone. We know chink and russian media are propagandw, why the fuck would anyone think Jew owned western media would be any different?

File: 2024-04-25 21-44-05.webm (549 KB, 1280x720)
549 KB
Architects edition

old >>5500178
77 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: posersie.webm (2.64 MB, 576x1024)
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2.64 MB WEBM
File: TayKnee.webm (1.29 MB, 662x376)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB WEBM
Does anyone have that edit of Josie dancing to Crystal Castle's Kept?
File: josie kept edit.webm (5.96 MB, 1280x720)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
File: mouth (1).webm (1.86 MB, 1129x754)
1.86 MB
1.86 MB WEBM

Post whatever / Post Random Webms

>1000 Points for new WEBMs
>2000 Points for creative WEBMs
>3000 Points for really good and great WEBMs
>100 points for good classics webms
>70 Points for food webms
>999 Points great and new animal webms

DC Comics edition
7 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1714679198016706.webm (2.92 MB, 320x568)
2.92 MB
2.92 MB WEBM
File: im_a.webm (5.98 MB, 384x214)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
File: trash.webm (1.99 MB, 360x360)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB WEBM

Easter Edition
Post clips about Christianity and your favorite Bible verses.
Previous thread >>5436451
237 replies and 113 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1713190691877195.webm (2.13 MB, 406x720)
2.13 MB
2.13 MB WEBM
catholic gore warning
not enough orthocuck jokes
File: 1701876584419427.webm (5.86 MB, 808x720)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
>stupid nigger music in it too

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